Prof. Dr. Elek Bartha |
- Examination of minority forms of existence
- Regional resaerch
- Exploring the customs of a small area, a region
- Creating tradition in the 21st century
- Religious and denominational communities at local and regional levels
Prof. Dr. Róbert Keményfi |
- Regional research
- Examination of minority forms of existence
- Ethnicity. Issues of ethnicity in the rural areas of Central Europe and the Balkans
Prof. Dr. Gábor Biczó |
- Assimilation research
- Cultural patterns of ethnic minority groups
- Contemporary anthropology: theory and application of critical way of thinking in anthropology
- Assimilation and acculturation research in local societes
- Ethnic cohabitation
- Multiethnic and multicultural cohabitation in local communities
Prof. Dr. Balázs Borsos |
- Past, Present and Future Prospects of Ethnological Atlasses
- Ethnocartographical Investigation and Mapping of Ethnographical Phenomena
- Contribution of Hungarian Travellers to the Elaboration of Ethnological Methodology
- Theory and Methods of Ecological Anthropology in the Light of a Case-Study
Prof. Dr. Máté Tamáska |
- Historical Paths of the Vernacular Architecture
- Modernisation of Rural Regions
- Cultural Heritage and Monument Protection
- Sociological Aspects od Education Spaces
- Climate Change: Perspectives in the Build Environment
Dr. Péter Gaál Szabó |
- Religio-cultural identity in ethnic/racial communities
- Cultural memory/trauma in local/migrant/minority communities
- Cultural spaces, transpatiality, and interculturality
- Ecomemory and enviromental justice
Dr. habil Máté Kavecsánszki |
- Anthropology of Dance Culture
Last update:
2023. 11. 30. 13:44